Research Programme Design

Our team are world-leaders in research programme design with over 20 years of experience in the field. 

Table of Contents

Funding Partners

1. Conceptual development

CSURES has extensive experience in the development of research programmes designed to meet the diverse needs of regulators, manufacturers, and consumers to ensure that the research undertaken is of the highest quality, complies with ethics requirements, and is able to make an important contribution in increasing the effectiveness of electronic nicotine delivery systems and in reducing smoking related health harm.


Years Experience

2. Creation of research documentation

Staff within CSURES are able to develop the necessary documentation to support research studies, setting out a clear chain from the initial conceptualisation of research through to the execution, analysis and writing up of research findings. This ensures that at each step in the process funders and regulators can be provided with a clear history of how the research has evolved and how it has been implemented. The document creation process encompasses the development of full study protocols setting out the aims and research methods to be used, informed consent documentation, survey measurement instruments, statistical analysis plans, and the coding of data.

Examples of Research Documentation

IRB Approval

3. Attaining IRB approval

All research undertaken by CSURES staff is subject to independent institutional review board assessment and approval ensuring that CSURES research complies with the highest ethical standards in research with human subjects.

Data Collection

4. Data Collection

CSURES staff are experienced in utilising a wide range of research methods in data collection encompassing large scale cross sectional and longitudinal surveys based on both probabilistic and non-probabilistic sampling, qualitative studies using interviews and focus groups along with detailed case studies and observational research.

5. Data Analysis

The research team within CSURES is experienced in the use of a wide range of quantitative data analytic software including SPSS, SAS, R, Python and STATA. In addition CSURES staff are also able to use a range of qualitative data analytic programmes to enhance the analysis of interview and observational data.


6. Presentation of Research Findings

CSURES staff have extensive experience in presenting research findings in a range of formats from peer review academic publications, confidential reporting to funders, presentation to regulatory bodies and both national and international conferences of practitioners, industry experts and academia. In addition CSURES staff also have experience in assisting journalists and media professionals more widely in presenting research findings in easily digestible non-jargonistic format.

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